In Australia we now have over 22 million mobile/cell phones. I assume the average mobile phone gets recharged somewhere between once a day for about three hours depending on how often you use the phone. I don't have a land line any more and I use my phone sparingly so my Nokia gets recharged about 3 times per week.
A study carried out by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories concluded that the average mobile phone charger uses 3.68 watts of power while it is charging, 2.24 watts of power when it the mobile phone is no longer charging but it is still on and an average of 0.26 watts when it is not on but plugged in. So an average mobile phone would use about 8.1kWh per year.
You can save this amount of energy by looking for a SOLAR PHONE RE-CHARGER which can be bought online for less than $20.
Did you know that due to the quickly evolving nature of cell phone technology that that average person in the USA upgrades their phone every six months? I would imagine that the figure is similar in Australia. This equates to 44 million new mobile pones per annum.
You can help contribute to sustainability by RECYCLING YOU OLD MOBILE PHONE.
Why recycle you old cell phone?
- Cell phones contain many valuable minerals such as gold and tantalum.
- Mobile phones can be more than 95% recycled.
- Col-tan or tantalite is the ore that is used to make tantalum and this is the primary reason for the civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo where thousands of people are displaced and killed every year. (Tantalum is used in nearly every electronic computer type gadget in your home including game consoles and laptops)
- The war in the D.R.Congo is on of the main reasons for the extermination of the critically endangered Mountain Gorillas